dot: n.多特 〔Dorothea 的昵称〕。n.1.点;圆点;句点;【音乐】附点〔音符后的一点,表示延长1/2拍〕。2.一点点大的东西,小片,少量,小个子。3.【数学】小数点;相乘的符号。短语和例子There are dots of soot on the window sill. 窗台上有一点烟灰。 Put a dot on [over] the i. 给字母 i 加上一点。
The aim this year was to reprogram cells to work cooperatively to form patterns , such as polka dots , in a petri dish 今年度的目标是改造细胞的基因,使它们彼此合作,在培养皿上形成一些小圆点之类的特殊图案。
The seventh decade of this century went out in loud outrageous fashion as quiksilver let loose with echo beach prints which included polka dots , triangles and checkerboards 随着quiksilver发布echo沙滩图案包括波尔卡圆点三角形和西洋跳棋盘后引发的风靡一时的时尚潮流,本世纪七十年代宣告结束。
Her obsession with infinity and death , originating from her childhood abuse and hallucinations , are manifested in her use of polka dots which soon became her trademark for her works 由于小时候经历的虐待和幻觉,她对无限和死亡概念十分痴迷,这也集中体现在她运用圆点花样的布料创作,并很快就成了她的注册商标。